When you need to quickly get money to someone who lives far away, wire transfer is the answer. Stop by one of our branch offices and we’ll have the money wired out of your account and on its way instantly.

Here’s how it works:
Outgoing Wires
The receiving institution must be contacted for specific wiring instructions before the wire transfer can be completed. You are responsible for providing correct wiring instructions.
Visit one of our branch locations and bring the following information:
- Your name, People First account number and the amount of the transfer
- Receiving institution and branch name
- Exact address of the receiving branch (including street, city, zip and country)
- Receiving institution branch routing and transit number
- Name of the person or company to whom you are sending the wire, their address and account number
- Further credit information (final beneficiary), if necessary
- Foreign Swift code for international wires, if available
- International Bank Account Number (IBAN), if required
Outgoing wire transfer requests must be received by 4:00 p.m. EST to be sent the same business day. Requests received after that time will be sent the next business day. Domestic wire transfers usually post to the beneficiary’s account within 24 hours. International wire transfers can take several business days to process. We can’t guarantee when the receiving institution will credit the beneficiary’s account. Please contact the receiving institution to verify receipt of funds. Outgoing wires can be sent Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.
Incoming Wires
All U.S. currency incoming wires to your accounts must be sent with the following information:
- Send to: People First Federal Credit Union; ABA # 231379115; 740 Hamilton Street, Suite 300 Allentown PA 18101
- Further credit to: member name and address, member account number, address and share number
- Foreign wire and Swift code information: Please see the instruction sheet for more information.
Incoming wires can be received Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays.