Meeting your financial goals is easy with access to your accounts, budget, spending trends, debt repayment, and goal tracking all in one place with our free Money Management tool.
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We’re making it easier than ever to visualize and interact with your money. With Money Management, you’ll gain powerful insights on when, where and how you spend. It’s time to achieve your financial goals. With Money Management you can:
- See all your accounts in one place
- View your spending trends
- Set and manage your own budgets
- Set financial goals for savings, retirement, and debt payoff
- See what happens when you pay more than the minimum
- Monitor your overall financial progress
- Set alerts when you are exceeding your budget, low account balance, fee charged, and more.
Money Management gives you the tools to start simplifying your finances—and so much more.
Money Management is available on either the mobile app or online banking. To get to Money Management in the mobile app, click ‘More’ from the bottom of your screen. In online banking, select ‘Money Management’ from the menu.
Financial Wellness Articles
1. Check all the available account types listed under an institution when you search. Sometimes mortgage, savings, credit card, accounts are listed separately. You might also have to search for the specific account (i.e., “Bank of America mortgage,” as opposed to just “Bank of America”).
2. Verify your username and password with your institution to ensure your credentials haven’t expired. Sometimes signing in can unlock a frozen account connection.
3. Turn off complicated security preferences (such as CAPTCHA and picture passwords) on your institution’s site.
4. Allow your institution to accept third party access by changing the preferences on their site.
5. Make sure you aren’t simultaneously logged in to your institution’s site on another tab or browser.
6. Make sure the software isn’t waiting for your response to a security question.
To delete an account:
1. Click the account you’d like to delete.
2. Click the Dot Menu in the upper right, then “Delete Account”
You can’t delete accounts at your primary financial institution. Instead, you can exclude these accounts. To do so:
1. Click the account
2. Click the Dot Menu and then “Hide Account”
Note: Any data older than 90 days cannot be restored in Money Management if you want to re-add an account you’ve deleted.
Here a few reasons you might be seeing duplicate transactions:
1. Your accounts have been added twice. If you see two of the same account, click one of them and then select Delete in the lower right corner.
2. You’re seeing both the debit and the credit side of a single transfer. Transactions categorized as transfers don’t show up in the spending wheel or in your budgets because they don’t represent an increase or decrease in assets.
3. Your institution is duplicating certain transactions when it passes the data to us. Submit a support ticket to resolve this issue.
There could be a few different reasons for this, including:
1. A transaction might be so recent that it’s still pending and hasn’t shown up yet.
2. You’ve logged in for the first time. Only 90 days of transactions are pulled on the first log in.
3. It has been more than 30 days since you last logged in. In most cases each new log in only pulls 30 to 45 days worth of transactions. To be sure all your transactions are included, we recommend logging in at least once every 30 days.
If these three reasons don’t match what you’re experiencing, submit a support ticket.
Sometimes the data received doesn’t signal when an account is deleted. If you want an outdated account deleted, submit a support ticket.
You may occasionally see duplicate accounts from an automated feed. Fix this problem by either merging the duplicate accounts or by deleting one of the duplicates.
To merge an account:
1. Click the duplicate account
2. Click the Dot Menu, then Mark as Duplicate
3. Click Merge
4. Type MERGE into the appropriate box
Note: You can only merge accounts that come through the same automated feed.
If you need help using the Money Management tool, you may contact MX Software Support by selecting the question mark in the mobile app, then select Request Support.